A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
alison watkins's Articles » Page 4
September 25, 2005 by alison watkins
Guess what, JU...Michael asked Chrissy to marry him!! I couldn't be happier for two more people! Although I've never met Michael, it sounds like he's a great guy. I don't want to blab the story since she'll more than likely blog about it, but it's definately a tear jerker! Chrissy--May your engagement be just the start of wonderful times to come. Michael sounds wonderful and I know you guys are meant for each other. The preperations for a wedding may cause a few fights and tears, but ...
September 15, 2005 by alison watkins
Teaching is having a strange effect on my bed time. I'm so freakin tired, so I'm going to hit the hay here soon. Today I feel like I made progress. I related the lessons to them and their rap music. Heck, I even rapped and a few kids "got served!" haha. Tomorrow is the day I have the kids from hell. I will let everyone know how it goes!
September 14, 2005 by alison watkins
I get up at 5:45 and I'm off to school by 7. I arrive at 7:20 to a bunch of kids waiting ouside my office asking questions about what I clearly stated 46372 times the day before. I'm not even to my first class. The bell rings. It's time for hall duty. Kids are scrambling about, still figuring out where to go. I guide them. I'm still not even to my first class. Ahh...homeroom. The kids are so tired and drained that they have nothing to say. Ahh..a moment to think..... At 8:21 I he...
September 13, 2005 by alison watkins
I am so sick of the "thin is in" stereotype. There is something to be said about being fit and healthy, but some celebrities look as if their bones are about to pierce their skin. I wouldn't constitute this look as being fit nor healthy. Personally, I think it's disgusting. Do men find this attractive? Why is it such a craze? I think some celebrities look better with a little meat on their bones. Take Lindsay Lohan for example. What was so "fat" about her in the first place? I don...
September 13, 2005 by alison watkins
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
September 11, 2005 by alison watkins
9-11. I remember the exact moment when I heard what happened. I was in the music library listening to Hermann Baugmann's rendition of Morceau de Concert when my friend Matt came through the doors saying, "Oh MY GOD Alison! The world trade centers!! Did you hear?" I took off my headphones and said, "Why are you so hysterical? What happened??" "You must know, you're wearing an I heart NY shirt!!" He observantly said. "Say what?" I questioned. "Planes flew into the World ...
September 7, 2005 by alison watkins
Today was my first official day of school. I have a total of 300 kids. I have no idea where to even begin....I spent the whole day passing out class guidelines, assigning seats, and handing out index cards to help me remember who is who. Most of the kids seem very eager to be back at school. My sixth and eighth graders were nothing short of perfect today. On the other hand, my seventh graders were snot nosed whiney babies. They even made fun of the way I talk. Ahh!! I guess you just ca...
September 1, 2005 by alison watkins
I GOT THE MUSIC POSITION ON LONG ISLAND!!!!! I will be teaching 6th grade band and choir as a long term sub for a fellow in Iraq. I AM OFFICIALLY A TEACHER!!! WHOOHOO!!!
August 31, 2005 by alison watkins
I swear that someone has been watching over me and/or praying for me. Why do I think this? Well, today I recieved a phone call from a school district here on the island to schedule an interview for a TEACHING POSITION. I have my interview today at 3:30. Wish me luck!
August 31, 2005 by alison watkins
With the blink of an eye, a year had come and passed. It was a short year, yet it was probably the year that held the most change. I had fallen in love, experienced true heartache, graduated high school, and picked a college. I was on the brink of adulthood. The bulk of that school year was spent attempting to mend my broken heart. Jessica and I began to hang out a lot and we would spend hours giggling about the crazy events we had been through and all of the stupidity that surrou...
August 30, 2005 by alison watkins
For the past two days, I've been able to run again! Growing up, I always loved to run. I joined the cross country team and track team when I was younger, and ran until my little heart was content. Even when I quit cross and track to persue musical endevors, I still ran. That came to a screetching hault in 2002. That summer I was heading to my cousin's bridal shower when a lady hit my geo metro head on. Since it was such a tiny car, I was very prone to injury, and boy did I get b...
August 30, 2005 by alison watkins
I recieved an Email today from the school district in Columbia, SC. They were asking me questions about how soon I would be able to relocate, etc.....All in all, the situation sounds very positive. She said she will send my info on and I will hear from her again shortly. Let's keep our fingers crossed!! I have a really good feeling about all of this!!
August 29, 2005 by alison watkins
Today I recieved an E mail from a school district in Columbia, SC stating that they were in desperate need of an elementary music teacher. At first, I wondered how in the heck they got my name, then I remembered...I applied to teach in the state a few months ago on a whim. This whim may be my ticket to a REAL JOB, teaching exactly what I want--JUST MUSIC (no art, no play classes)!!!! I would no longer be teaching for a FRANCHISE! I would have my own CLASSROOM!! We might be able to live i...
August 26, 2005 by alison watkins
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
August 26, 2005 by alison watkins
I have noticed one thing about blogging. The more prolific your articles are, the less comments you are going to get. Lately, I think I've been writing some of the greatest articles of my JU career. I believe that they are decently written, exposing me for me, and letting readers understand how I became the person I am today. During my tenure here, I think I have created a pretty decent circle of blogging acquaintences, yet only one person (thank you shovelheat ) has taken the time...