A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
Go Johnny Go!
Published on October 13, 2004 By alison watkins In Politics
People bitch that Kerry "flip flops". In an ever-changing world, one has to change their thoughts on subject matter or there would be no progression. If people did not change their opinions about weighty issues, then this world would be a drastically different place. Think about women's issues and African American's rights....

Republicans make me think of Elmer Fudd walking around with his musket.....

Bush lied to the American people. Thousands have died.

Are we really better off then we were 4 years ago?

What don't you like about John Kerry, peace or prosperity?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 13, 2004
But shouldn't we focus on one thing at a time.

Not when we can accomplish two at a time. You may be forgetting we have captured over 75% of Al-Quieda.
Now we are harming Iraqi civilians.....

"Let him who desires peace, prepare for war."- Flavius Vegetius Renatus

The fact that we want peace requires us to go to war; we may be losing lives now but those lives are saving millions more to come.
on Oct 13, 2004
He was too concerned with being on vacation to give a shit.
on Oct 13, 2004
I do not know Kerry very well. But what I know about Bush and his group is more than enough not to vote for Bushes.
on Oct 13, 2004
I do not know Kerry very well. But what I know about Bush and his group is more than enough not to vote for Bushes.

And yet another reason I'm not voting for Kerry. I'm not somebody who picks somebody randomly on the street to run my company if the CEO turns out to be unsatisfactory. I actually try to get a decent replacement.
on Oct 13, 2004
Somebody must have listened to Mikey's movie F 9/11 too much.

So let me put it this way:

Never strike at one enemy when there are two because if you do the other enemy will stab you in the back.

Never put blame on the man in charge today for something that could have been prevented by the man in charge yesterday.

Never do a recount in a couple of counties in a state for that is ILLEGAL instead do a recount in ALL COUNTIES for that is LEGAL.

That is it for now I will update when I see more falsity that needs correcting.

- Grim X
'Say it loud!! I am Libertarian and Proud!!'
on Oct 13, 2004
He was too concerned with being on vacation to give a shit.

Hm. I don't like this one either. Yes, yes, I've seen Fahrenheit 9/11 and I know it's a big deal point in that movie. But you can look at other presidents in history that haven't spent tons of time in Washington D.C. (Andrew Jackson, for one) -- and with all the satellite linking technology, Crawford, Texas, can hold a cabinet meeting just as easily as Washington, D.C.
on Oct 13, 2004
I think it's funny that people on both sides say things like "I'm not in love with [fill in your candidate], but the other guy scares me" but then look down on people on the other side who are saying the exact same thing. I'm continually surprised at how resistent people are to seeing that they're not so different from the other side.
on Oct 13, 2004
Never strike at one enemy when there are two because if you do the other enemy will stab you in the back.

But a bird in the hand beats two in the bush. In military terms, its much better to destroy one enemy, and then the other instead of trying to fight both.
on Oct 13, 2004
Bush doesn't scare me. How Kerry's plan to spend an additional $650 Billion now in healthcare is what scares me. Four years from now the first of the babyboomers will start entering into retirement. Neither candidate is addressing where the money is going to come to support this. So why would I support adding another $650 Billion now when there is no plan for the future?
on Oct 13, 2004
They don't like John Kerry for the sheer fact that he is the opposition. Some of these people would dislike god himself if he ran against Bush! You can't try to convince the closed mind...only the ones that are open.

While there may be no proof that Bush had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks...there are plenty of serious and legitimate questions about this that remain to be unanswered as these questions were beyond the scope of the 9/11 Commission's mandate. However, the Bush family financial links with the Bin Laden family and the Saudi royal family have been well documented...and I am NOT talking about Michael Moore so let me save all of you the trouble of posting threads suggesting his movie/commentary are the basis of my statement.
on Oct 13, 2004
Essencay, actually most economists agree that Bush's proposals will cost more than Kerry's.
on Oct 13, 2004
I would vote for Kerry since he is much more confident and far more realistic on important issuses than Bush.
on Oct 13, 2004
But a bird in the hand beats two in the bush. In military terms, its much better to destroy one enemy, and then the other instead of trying to fight both.

Which last time I checked all Major conflict was done in Afghanistan before the Iraq situation.

Though your principle goes against World War 2 if you applied your principle to that war.

- Grim X
on Oct 13, 2004
I would vote for Kerry since he is much more confident and far more realistic on important issuses than Bush.

I AM voting Badnarik, because if you vote for the 'lesser of two weasals' you still are voting for weasal.

- Grim X
'Say it loud!!'
'I am Libertarian and Proud!!'
on Oct 13, 2004
T-Bone...admittedly I have only seen this issue on the surface and I am not fully aware of all the details. This issue of the future cost of our healthcare system remains unaddressed by both candidates, which is sad.
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