Hi all...it's good to start blogging again. I thought about switching to another blog server, but I just didn't think it would be the same. I decided to come back to JU because I really enjoyed the blogging community here. It's so nice to see a lot of familiar faces are still posting!
For those of you who are reading my blog for the first time, my name is Alison. I am an Ohioan who has been transplanted to the big apple. My husband and I live on Long Island, putting us about 50 minutes from NYC and 20 minutes from the Atlantic Ocean. My blog originated as a project for a philosophy class (best liberal ed class I ever took!! Thanks Prof BB if you somehow come across my blog again!!) I took during my undergrad and it just sort of stuck. I suppose a lot of eventful things happened after that summer. Afterall, I got married, moved, received my Bachelors, and began to embark on a new life and career path out here in NY.
As many of you may remember I HATED living in NY. Almost 4 years later this place has grown on me. I've kind of come into my own routines and have finally met some great people. Honestly, I can't see leaving here, and I am really happy with the way my husband (Hardin) and I have established ourselves.
Hardin finished up his Doctorate in Music last fall and is currently freelancing throught the area. He is really trying to grow professionally and meet a lot more cats in the NYC music scene.
When I left you guys I had a position teaching elementary music right outside of Queens. Well, unfortunately that job got cut, but fortunately I was able to find something pretty much a week later. I have been with that same school district for the last three years teaching elementary music. It's a little rough at times because the district is labeled "at risk," but I find the students to be way more appreciative. That's not to say I haven't hit a few bumps along the road, because nothing is ideal. This is my tenure year so everybody WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!(!!!!)
During my 3 year blogging hiatus I have become OBSESSED with fitness and running. Actually, I just ran in a race today! Two years ago I just decided to start running just to see if I could and sure enough, it was something that stuck. I started with running .6 of a mile and now I try to run about 15-20 miles a week. It's a great stress reliever!
Oh, speaking of stress, I have also started my Masters Degree in Special Ed and Music. I'm about half way through...4.0 so far!!!
So now that I've babbled enough, what's been going on here???