A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
Published on December 18, 2005 By alison watkins In Personal Relationships
Today is the one year anniversary of my marriage to Hardin. Boy does time fly!

I couldn't ask for a better person to spend my life with. Since the moment we met back in 2001, I knew he was special. He did one thing that no one else had ever done before. He taught me how to laugh. Humility is very important in life. Being able to laugh at yourself, and not others (well, sometimes at others...j/k), is a great lesson to be learned. You can never take yourself too seriously. Before I met Hardin, I did. I was obsessed with my self immage. I would dye my hair every color of the rainbow to get noticed, but get angry when I did get noticed. Afterall, I was a serious performing artist, artists are supposed to be serious.

Then I met Hardin. We met by a chance...I accidently left my pencil on his stand. After orchestra that day we introduced ourselves to each other. Two days later he called me Melissa. Instead of bitching him out, I took a chance. We hung out...afterall, he was old enough to buy beer and at the time, I was not. We had fun talking and making fun of the "serious" music world. I ended up passing out at his house. He tucked me in his guest bed. When I woke up, he was sitting right there and I kissed him. Ever since that moment, we have been pretty much inseperable (except when he has gigs).

If I was to say our relationship has been like the chorus of a love song, that would be a lie. No relationship is perfect, well, no real ones anyways. We have our ups and downs, our tears, and our fights. I can be neurotic as hell, and he can be bullheaded. I am a punk, and he's quite the opposite. No one is perfect, but there is no one I'd rather share my imperfections with.

Hardin, I love you. Happy one year anniversary! May there be many more.

on Dec 18, 2005
Yay! Congratulations!

I think lots of people our age go into marriage thinking about Cinderella...and I don't know ANY marriage that's a Cinderella princess type of marriage. They're freakin hard work. And I think its cool that you realize that. Marriage is hard work, but it's definitely one of those things that's WORTH the hard work.

I've also known my share of young women who got married just for the sake of getting married...NOT good.

ANyway....congratulations again, and here's to many, many more happy years together!
on Dec 18, 2005
Happy Anniversary to the both of you.... WOW... it really does seem like yesterday! Time REALLY flies when you're havin fun! Keep having that fun!
on Dec 18, 2005
Amen to that! It isn't about the dress or flower...it's about the people. I think people loose sight of that in the process of planning.

Hey! Thank you...I know..it does seem like yesterday. Hope you're doing well!
on Dec 18, 2005
Congrrtulations! People say that the first year is the hardest, but I don't agree. They're all hard to some degree or another. But, it's worth it. Building a relationship and a life with the person you love above all others is THE most satisfying thing I've ever done (closely followed by having babies and raising children). D and I will mark 12 years of marriage in January, and whilst it hasn't all be sunshine and flowers I wouldn't change it for the world.

Have a wonderful day, the two of you. May you have many, many more.

Funny how powerful a pencil can be.....
on Dec 18, 2005
Congratulations on 1 year, here's hoping for many, mnay more!
on Dec 18, 2005
Thank you!! I think you're absolutley right... I would imagine that things change from year to year...i mean...it all can't be smooth sailing after year 1.

Wow..12 years!! How exciting!! Early congrats!

Thank you!!
on Dec 18, 2005
Congrats, Alison.

You're such a sweetie, and I'm glad you've found a man that brings out the best in you! It does seem like time has flown by! Wow!

(Adrian and I celebrated our anniversary early last night...it's the 19th...I didn't realize our anniversaries were so close together!)
on Dec 18, 2005
I am a punk

A punk taking themselves seriously.... who would have thought.
on Dec 18, 2005
Oh wow! Yay for Dec Weddings! Congrats to you!! you are such a sweetheart.

Haha...I know..
on Dec 18, 2005
And may you share many, many more anniversaries with the special man in your life...Congratulations.
on Dec 18, 2005
Hey stranger!

Thank you so much
on Dec 18, 2005

Have you seen the NoteBook?

Your story sounds a little like it.

Congratulations! Have a great one!


on Dec 18, 2005
Congratulations! Yay for you two!
My own 12th wedding anniversary is coming up, on the 29th of December.
(I heard you giving shout-outs for December weddings...)
on Dec 18, 2005
dr guy:
Funny you should say that...that is one of my favorite books and movies! I always put myself in allie's shoes when I read/watch it...hehe. I think it's because we have the same name

thank you!!!

yay for dec weddings! Early congrats to you, too!