A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
Tee Hee?
Published on December 17, 2005 By alison watkins In Entertainment
I believe the mind is a beautiful thing and a precious entity to waste. Each and every day I strive to be as smart as I possibly can. I am by no means Albert Einstein. I am a reader, an artist, and a free thinker. If I do not know something, I do not pretend to know it, but I do look it up. I encourage my students to do the same. If they do not know the answer to something, I make them look for the answer themselves. I believe that the beauty of knowledge lies within the process of learning.

This day in age, the strive for mediocrity is greater than ever. In my eyes, it seems that that the idea of being vapid is cool, or very cute, and that a lack of knowledge is " the norm".

Who can we thank for this? Some blame the invention of video games. Others blame teachers and parents.

What about the media??

Look what is on the television and in magazines. With shows such as "The Simple Life" as the messiah of our youth, it's no wonder minds are eroding as we speak. Just look at what word is in the title. "Simple." Who wants to be "simple"?

Have you opened up an issue of cosmo lately? With articles pontificating on "how to please your man," or "how to get what you want from him," it's no wonder our children are whoring themselves out. They are getting it from the media!

What about the idea of celebrity? Have you even taken a look at celebrities these days? With role models such as Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson, and Ashton Kutcher, it's no wonder everyone strives for stupidity....Because according to them, it leads to fame and fortune. On one hand maybe it is pure genious. I mean, they obviously have everyone fooled. They have marketed this idea of stupidity and have become larger than life. So hats off to you Paris! You are the smartest person in the world.


Personally, I take her idea of smarts as a slap in the face. Here I am, trying to teach the youth about how to be rich through knowledge, and she does the exact opposite. Now who are the kids going to listen to? Probably not the teacher who's salary is
1/10 the amount of Paris Hilton's .

Maybe teachers should teach from Cosmo instead of textbooks. Would that be more acceptable?

This world is turning into a sick sad place and I refuse to go down with it!

on Dec 17, 2005
They are getting it from the media!

They're getting it from the media, but the media also tells us what we want to hear. Does that make sense? There's obviously a market for such crap, or they wouldn't be spewing it.

I agree though. Wholeheartedly. Our definition of "smart" has gone from who knows the most to who owns the most. There's definitely been a shift in values, even since we were younger, you know? My sister is only 7 years younger than I am and she's got a whole different sense of the world than I do.

I don't know if there's an easy answer either to this very "broad" problem. I think what it comes down to though is the breakdown of the basic family structure. If parents would be parents and kids could be kids...I think there'd be a lot less "junk" out there.

Merry Christmas, Al.
on Dec 17, 2005
He he...maybe now in her single state Jessica Simpson might try buffalo. It's damn good.
on Dec 17, 2005
First off...HEY!!! and Merry Xmas to you!

I agree...it's a give and take. The media gives and gives, and we take, take, take. i also agree that each generation is completely different. Just look at what happened to MTV...hehe....afterall, we are the true MTV generation! lol.
on Dec 17, 2005
I wrote about Cosmo at the start of the year, complaining that their definition of 'independence' was being free to screw as many men in as many positions as you could possibly think of.

Kudos to you for this article. It saddens me to see girls have empty-headed, frivilous, self-centered celbrities as their idols. The standards that Paris et al set are materialistically unattainable for most girls, and intellectually....well, an untrained chimp has more smarts than all of them put together. Young girls are selling themselves short because they think it's 'cool', and that scares me.
on Dec 17, 2005
I wrote earlier this year about that stupid ass show on MTV, "My Sweet Sixteen"...the absolute selfish arrogance of those girls is absolutely ridiculous. They wouldn't have one character strength to stand on if mommy and daddy weren't there pumping money into them. It makes me want to hurl.
on Dec 17, 2005
wrote earlier this year about that stupid ass show on MTV, "My Sweet Sixteen"...the absolute selfish arrogance of those girls is absolutely ridiculous

Oh I detest that show. The girl on it....are egotistical morons. I'd LOVE to see a 'Trading Spouses' type situation with the girls from that show. They could trade places with some underprivileged kid - get a taste of what life's REALLY about.

These girls have NO sense of reality. It's all about ME, ME, ME to them. The really sad part is that their parents encourage and even support that attitude.

It makes me sick.
on Dec 17, 2005

Oh I detest that show. The girl on it....are egotistical morons. I'd LOVE to see a 'Trading Spouses' type situation with the girls from that show. They could trade places with some underprivileged kid - get a taste of what life's REALLY about.

They'd bitch and moan and call up mommy and mommy would rescue them from the "po folks". I watched an episode for about 10 minutes today. I heard the word "me" about 500 times in that amount of time, and I also heard this girl speak to her mother in a way that would have gotten me spanked, at 16, had I ever spoken to my mother that way.
on Dec 17, 2005
Isn't it sick? It's so good to read that one youngin' (shea) is free thinking. That is one thing I thank God that my mom pushed me to do...think for myself...

It's like these tramps are just laughing and spitting in the face of the mothers of women's rights. It's awful.

Isn't that show the worst? But I want THAT car. I want THAT dress....and you're absolutley right...the parents encorage it.
on Jan 05, 2006
Great article Alison!

It's really difficult trying to teach children and young people "the way of the world" when there are other "forces" out there telling them something else. We want them to have the same values and learn to appreciate them as we did and this seems to be an impossible task because of what is out there in our world.

You won't be the only one not going down with it...we'll be hanging on with ya!