A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
Published on October 6, 2005 By alison watkins In Misc
Since I've been feeling kinda down, Ive been thinking that a new hair du just might cheer me up. I'm not talking a little trim....I'm talking a chop.....A chop a la Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail or Hanging up. Ive had my hair shorter in the past, so I know I can handle the 6-8 inches that will have to come off. Hardin will be another story....He loves my hair, however I think he will love how much little time I will be spending on it, not to mention saving money on the ton of hair product that it takes to keep wavy hair from being crazy when it's long. Another strike against the chop is that this June I will be in two weddings (yay! Chrissy asked me to take part in her special day) and I know how much easier it is just to pin everyone's hair up.

What is a girl to do?!

on Oct 06, 2005
check out LOCKS OF LOVE have your hair ponytails and make a nice even cut, 8 inches of your hair will make several hair peices for children with cancer.
on Oct 09, 2005

I say, go ahead and do whatever makes you happy! You'll have time to grow it back out by June 3rd, otherwise maybe you'll just end up with a cheaper stylist's bill!! However, I'm a little sad because the last time I saw your hair (which has been forever so I know it's much longer), it was looking so good!! I know the high maintainance thing, though, so do whatever you want!

Incidentally, I thought that Locks of Love needed more than 8 inches...if that's all it takes, I'm in for sure!! (I'm SO in need of a good chop and I would love to do that).

Talk to you soon!!!
on Oct 09, 2005
I've had short hair for the majority of my life. I grew it out when I was in my early 30's and got it down to my shoulders, then got pissed off with it and chopped it off.

So, because I have short hair I'm slightly biased. I prefer short over long: it takes less time to fix and I find that I actually have more variety of styles and 'do's' with shorter hair.

If you're having doubts about it; if you're even slightly questioning cutting it off, then I wouldn't do it. You'll end up regreatting it...and I know how much having a sucky haircut can affect your self-esteem and confidence.