Has anybody noticed that after a high, a low isn't too far behind?
I had a great weekend. I went back to Ohio to visit friends and family over fourth of July. As always, Hardin and I went out to lunch with my Grandpa (Who's 91---just a little tidbit of info), my parents, brother, his fiance, and my neice. It was just nice to have a feeling of family. It was probably the first time in weeks that Hardin and I were able to sit around a table and have a decent meal without having three million things to think about....Heck, it was just nice to sit around a table!! (We don't have one because our apartment is too small!) Our afternoon was spent at my Parent's house, catching up, and playing with my neice on her giant swingset in their back yard. That evening, we headed to a giant fourth of July party, hosted by one of Hardin's old band mates. He was so excited because they ended up playing and asked him to sit in a couple of sets. He played, while I danced along with all of the other girlfriends and wives of the band members. It was nice to see everyone! I really missed hanging out and chit chatting with all of those girls.
The time went by so fast, and before you know it we were off to NY. Even though I know my home is out here now, I always get all choked up when I have to leave it all. I mean, trust me, Ohio isn't the greatest place on earth, and I always bitched about getting out, but I miss what is there.
I feel so down. I miss having friends and family less than 40 minutes away. I miss chatting with girlfriends, sitting on the porch with my parents, running around with my neice at the park, and drinking draft beer with the guys back in Kent.
Okay...so anyways, I am sick of moping around. I'm going to get off my ass and try to do something that will make me smile. I think I'll swing by the library and get a card. I have been looking for a new book for the past couple months. I might even go to Kohl's later...they always have sales. Shopping has always proved to be theraputic.