A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
Thoughs Inspired by Dharma's Articles
Published on June 29, 2005 By alison watkins In Religion
***Warning*** Lofty topics discussed here....Some rambling may occur.

As many of us have read, Dharma has been posting articles on beliefs and spirituality. These articles have really been making me step back, and think about what I truly believe. Yesterday, in response to her article on the Bible, she was curious to know my beliefs and if I believed in God. After posting a semi-generic overview on her blog, I had a long conversation with Hardin about God and creation, and now I am able to answer in a less-generic fashion what I believe in.

I believe that a higher power created this earth and has given our souls vessels to explore and learn from it.

I believe in the life and death cycle.

I believe in reincarnation.

I believe our souls have gathered information and grow stronger in each life they are given.

I believe that the higher power chooses to put souls in different vessel for each life to learn lessons.

I believe in Karma and that events happen for a reason.

I believe that there is good in all people.

I believe that evil is learned through habit and can be unlearned the same way.

I believe that there is a plan for everyone.

I believe that most of the Bible is based of folklore. I do believe that some of the events did occur, but some of them are a mythical stretch of the imagination.

I do believe that the lessons in the bible are valuable.

I don't believe that one religion is right. I believe there are many ways to worship.

I believe you can worship wherever you want to.

In Dharma's blog I stated that God was a finate lable for the higher powers. After a lot of soul searching last night, I think that I would like to change my thoughts on that. Someone had to create this earth. I look outside and can't believe what I see. A higher power is responsible, and I guess the higher power for me is what defines "God".

some may still question my religious label, but it's a work in progress. I'm still calling it East meets West.

on Jun 29, 2005
Cool...I'm flattered that I made you think!

I think that you'd feel an affinity with Taoism.

I also agree with most of your thoughts on god, higher powers, reincarnation, karma etc etc. I believe that there are many paths to god...and that god has many names. I think that we are all on different levels of spiritual progress. Some of us have been here before and are more spiritually mature. Others are on their first go around, and are still spiritual babies...and I think that a person's chosen faith has a lot to do with their spiritual maturity (or lack thereof). Some people are able to go off and do their own thing, not needing much guidance...but some folks need to be guided every step of the way.

I think that you've been here before, Alison. I think I have too...
on Jun 29, 2005
Sounds like our thoughts are on the same wavelength. I have been doing some reading on Zen, and maybe I should read up on some Taoism.

Once again, great articles. They inspired an interesting tuesday night, to say the least!
on Jun 29, 2005
Sometimes I wish that I could believe in reincarnation. It's a fun thought. I just don't see any evidence or reason to believe that it really exists.
on Jun 29, 2005
I think it's evident in the way people think. Have you ever talked to someone and thought, "Wow, they sound wise beyond their years?" Some souls have been around longer than others. (Just an opinion)
on Jun 29, 2005
actually i have a hard time believing in reincarnation although i dont refute it completely. I'd just love someone to try and explain how it could happen? But i also like to think that we're given a 'second' chance of learning something we might have missed out in a previous life.
on Jun 29, 2005
As you cultivate and change your beliefs, if the effect it has on your life is good, keep doing what you're doing. If its bad, change your paradigm and try again.

Somehow it doesnt seem right, i have to think this through, i can see your point and it's true that if we had always believed the earth was flat we'd be still in stone age, heh, but changing spiritual beliefs constantly doesnt sound really the best option.
I mean if you keep changing your beliefs with the sole purpose to make you feel good but that it's not the truth is it really worth it? but then again how do we ever know the truth, right? Aagghh...
on Jun 29, 2005
"tread the path with care, for many obstacles will face you in battle."--unknown (i read this somewhere...someplace...but it helped...)

--My advice is find a path that you feel comfortable with...
on Jun 30, 2005
if you keep changing your beliefs with the sole purpose to make you feel good but that it's not the truth is it really worth it?

I'm sure it's worth it, because we're all on a journey, exploring life and our own inner self, (and other people's selves too). If our paradigms or views are misguided, then we'll learn about it sooner or later. But ultimately, I think we can learn and grow more because of misguided views, or dead-end paths, rather than in spite of them. Truth it Truth, whether our views are aligned with It or not. Regarding our soul's growth and learning, it's in our highest interests to try to discover what the Truth actually is. I believe we'll all find out one day, whether it be in this lifetime, or in 7 lifetimes, or whether it be when we arrive in Heaven, or whenever else. In my opinion, we can't escape it, and in the meantime some things are secret for a reason.
on Jun 30, 2005
but then again how do we ever know the truth, right? Aagghh...

Intuition and spiritual, (or psychic), awareness, which increases as we grow spiritually. When we’re ready, we’ll know when we hear Truth, even if it's mere slices of Truth.