Have you ever had a day that you thought was going to be a great day, but it was a complete and total train wreck? That basically describes the day I had today....
I woke up, exercised, drove Hardin to work, and then headed on my half an hour drive to the site I was scheduled to work at for today. Well, traffic was ultra bad. I ended up getting bitched at for being 5 minutes late.
I thought to myself,"Okay ignore this Alison, just keep on plugging away and things have to get better."
Next, I look on the bulletin board to find out that my schedule has been completely changed. Not only am I working less hours, but now I don't even have my two days off in a row. Instead, I have Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday off...WTF?! All I ask for is that I have two complete and full days off, not three completely spaced out ones.
Then I thought, "You just have to do this until you finish your certification for NY state teaching, Alison. Just grin and bare it..."
Since I was in such a foul mood, Hardin and I decided to go out for mexican to lift my spirits. As I was getting out of the car, a giant pile of bird crap landed on my thumb....
(How could this day get worse?!?! ) (I realize I should never have even thought this)
When I got home, I looked online to sign up to take my state certification test. Luckily, I found a test that is scheduled for the beginning of August. Unluckily, I found out that the scores would not be reported until the middle of September. This means that I won't be able to have a teaching job in for the fall, unless a miracle occurs and they hire me due to my outstanding resume.
I am banking on the miracle. I am still applying for teaching jobs. I put on my resume the date that I am scheduled to take the test. This ought to count for something, right?! (atleast I hope so)
I am going to need all the prayers I can get to pull through....