This is kinda fun....enjoy!
A is for age: birthday is on it's way.....
B is for book: Currently looking for a new one....
C is for career: I'm a teacher for 'da man (I work for a franchise....LAME) I'm looking for a public school job
D is for dad's name: David
E is for essential item to bring to a party: Depends on the crowd....drinks always come in handy!
F is for favorite song at the moment: Hmmm....I don't really listen to new stuff these days....anything by guns n roses flies for me!
G is for good movie you recently saw: Team America (Fuck Yeah!)
H is for hometown: Canton, Ohio
I is for instruments you play: My main instrument is the (french) horn, but I also know how to play just about everything else up to an intermediate level.....(I had to for my degree!)
J is for jewel that you like: Um....Rubies....they are my birthstone
K is for kids: Maybe someday when I can afford them!
L is for living arrangements: I live on the world's giant floatee know as Long Island, NY
M is for mom's name: Angela
N is for number of people you've slept with: I plead the 5th
O is for overnight hospital stays: 1---when they thought I was going to have my gaulbladder removed a couple of years ago....
P is for phobia[s]: Spiders and toilet monsters
Q is for quote you like: "There's no crying in Baseball."
R is for right, what's on your right?: my bedroom
S is for sexual position: Girl on top
T is for time you wake up: 7:30...yuck
U is for unique trait(s): I'm double jointed in both of my pinkies and ring fingers
V is for vegetable you love: I really wish tomatoes were a veggie instead of a fruit....They don't taste like a fruit....So since those don't technically count, I'm going to have to say romaine lettuce....
W is for worst habit: chronic masturbation?! haha...just kidding....smoking...I'm trying to quit yet again....they say it takes about 8 times to quit this is my 5th......
X is for x-rays you've had: Chest and neck....I was in a bad car accident a few years ago.....
Y is for yummy food you make: I have a great guac recepie if anyone is interested...
Z is for zodiac sign: CAncer