A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
Published on June 3, 2005 By alison watkins In Blogging
This is kinda fun....enjoy!

A is for age: 23...my birthday is on it's way.....

B is for book: Currently looking for a new one....

C is for career: I'm a teacher for 'da man (I work for a franchise....LAME) I'm looking for a public school job

D is for dad's name: David

E is for essential item to bring to a party: Depends on the crowd....drinks always come in handy!

F is for favorite song at the moment: Hmmm....I don't really listen to new stuff these days....anything by guns n roses flies for me!

G is for good movie you recently saw: Team America (Fuck Yeah!)

H is for hometown: Canton, Ohio

I is for instruments you play: My main instrument is the (french) horn, but I also know how to play just about everything else up to an intermediate level.....(I had to for my degree!)

J is for jewel that you like: Um....Rubies....they are my birthstone

K is for kids: Maybe someday when I can afford them!

L is for living arrangements: I live on the world's giant floatee know as Long Island, NY

M is for mom's name: Angela

N is for number of people you've slept with: I plead the 5th

O is for overnight hospital stays: 1---when they thought I was going to have my gaulbladder removed a couple of years ago....

P is for phobia[s]: Spiders and toilet monsters

Q is for quote you like: "There's no crying in Baseball."

R is for right, what's on your right?: my bedroom

S is for sexual position: Girl on top

T is for time you wake up: 7:30...yuck

U is for unique trait(s): I'm double jointed in both of my pinkies and ring fingers

V is for vegetable you love: I really wish tomatoes were a veggie instead of a fruit....They don't taste like a fruit....So since those don't technically count, I'm going to have to say romaine lettuce....

W is for worst habit: chronic masturbation?! haha...just kidding....smoking...I'm trying to quit yet again....they say it takes about 8 times to quit this is my 5th......

X is for x-rays you've had: Chest and neck....I was in a bad car accident a few years ago.....

Y is for yummy food you make: I have a great guac recepie if anyone is interested...

Z is for zodiac sign: CAncer

on Jun 03, 2005
into the forums.....
on Jun 04, 2005
A is for Ann, my daughter's middle name
B. is for babies and mine are all grown
C. is for Carol, my dearest friend
D. is for my mom's name, Doris
E. is for Elizabeth, my greatgrama's middle name
F. is for Flint, my mom's maiden name
G. is for God
H. is for my ex-husband's name- Harry from h___
I. is for inept, the way I feel some days
J. is for my son's first name
K. is for me by gosh, Kathy
L. is for love, what the world needs more of!
M. is for Marilyn Monroe, she too was a lonely woman
N. is for NO, what part don't you understand
O. is for otra, Spanish I believe for "other"
P. is for Patricia, a dear cousin of mine
Q. is for quest, which I'm always setting out on
R. is for ranch, which I've always wanted
S. is for My maiden name, Smith
T. is for today, so thankful I saw it arrive!
U. is for Universe, unfolding as it should
V. is for view, of which there are many, as we have seen here!!!
W. is for Wendell, my first husband's name
X is for X-rays, I've had so many I've lost count
Y. is for youth, God Bless Them
Z is a mystery to me, zebra is all I can think of
on Jun 04, 2005
Neat idea, alison. Very cute. Hehe...and I love filling out forms (sick, I know!).

A is for age: 26

B is for book: I toggle between Kurt Cobain's journals and The Face by Dean Kuntz

C is for career: CEO of a Domestic Engineering Corporation? Hehe...stay-at-home mommy

D is for dad's name: Rick

E is for essential item to bring to a party: Hmmm...not really a partier...but drunken Scrabble with the hubby is fun (beer + vodka + cranberry juice + Scrabble Board - an item of clothing every so often = a great time)

F is for favorite song at the moment: BYOB by System of a Down

G is for good movie you recently saw: Hotel Rwanda, I still think of it often

H is for hometown: Smalltown, Texas

I is for instruments you play: I could play Mary Had a Little Lamb on the recorder back in the day

J is for jewel that you like: Diamonds!

K is for kids: Two beautiful boys and hopefully another in the coming year

L is for living arrangements: I live on the island of Oahu in Hawaii

M is for mom's name: Tojuana

N is for number of people you've slept with: Less than most, more than I wish I had

O is for overnight hospital stays: Staph(?) infection in my scalp (as a child), Double Pneumonia (junior high), Alcohol Poisoning (high school), and child birth (x2)

P is for phobia[s]: snakes, knives, Halloween masks, mannequins...

Q is for quote you like: "I just burned my tongue" (Anchorman)

R is for right, what's on your right?: the living room, filled with empty coke cans and pillows and little boys (and one big one) and video games

S is for sexual position: Don't know a handy name for it, but...guy laying down on his back, girl on top, stomach down, in opposite direction (i.e., her feet near his head, his feet near her head)

(girl controls the motion, hehe)

T is for time you wake up: Between 7:00 and 7:30 on school days, but soon, whenever I want!

U is for unique trait(s): I asked my husband and he said my little smile lines and the fact that I'm a selective vegetarian (I only eat steak, bacon, shrimp, crab, clam, and raw salmon)

V is for vegetable you love: I am a fan of spinach

W is for worst habit: Smoking or spending too much time on the computer

X is for x-rays you've had: chest is all I'm sure of

Y is for yummy food you make: I made some Caesar salad wraps the other day that were delicious, but I can cook stuff, too, hehe

Z is for zodiac sign: Aquarius
on Jun 04, 2005
interesting list, but you were supposed to answer the questions that were presented in my list try it again

I'm the same way...I looove little games like this.....good position btw...hehe
on Jun 04, 2005
Ooh, I like doing things like this!

A is for age: 35...36 in 12 days.

B is for book: 'The Fountainhead' by Ayn Rand.

C is for career: I used to work security and dabbled with some PI stuff. I'm also a notary public and most recently I worked in the base legal office. However, I'm going to certify to teach yoga this fall....and I'm pretty excited about that!

D is for dad's name: Douglas Leonard Henry.

E is for essential item to bring to a party: Beer and sodas.

F is for favorite song at the moment: 'Blue Monday' by New Order, closely followed by 'Personal Jesus' by Depeche Mode (the original, not the Manson cover)

G is for good movie you recently saw: 'Meet The Fockers' - and D and I are going to start hanging a cowboy hat on our bedroom door!

H is for hometown: Bicester, near Oxford, England.

I is for instruments you play: Guitar. That's about it.

J is for jewel that you like: Emeralds.

K is for kids: Three. A girl and 2 boys. My eldest will be a teenager this year...yikes!

L is for living arrangements: I live on an Air Force base in southern Illinois.

M is for mom's name: Betty.

N is for number of people you've slept with: None of your beeswax.....

O is for overnight hospital stays: Too many to remember...I've had kids and surgeries and accidents, so there have been quite a few.

P is for phobia[s]: Heights.

Q is for quote you like: 'I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul'

R is for right, what's on your right?: My couch.

S is for sexual position: hehe...from behind...hehehe...

T is for time you wake up: depends. The kids are out of school, so really it's whenever I wake up. When school's in, about 615am.

U is for unique trait(s): wow...I don't think I have any. I have one and a half kidney's on the right, does that count?

V is for vegetable you love: Brussel sprouts.

W is for worst habit: Biting my nails. I've tried and tried to stop, and I just can't.

X is for x-rays you've had: Again, I've had accidents and surgeries, so too many to remember. I think I've had just about every part of my body X-rayed.

Y is for yummy food you make: Cloud Nine - it's a dessert with creamcheese, dream whip, cherries and pineapple all mixed together. Oh, and roast beef with all the trimmings.

Z is for zodiac sign: Gemini.
on Jun 04, 2005
Great list! Man...6:15...that's a rough time to wake up!

The dessert sounds delicious!
on Jun 04, 2005
A is for age: 22, but only for 10 more days!!! (alison, I wish we could party it up at the loft/zephyr for your birthday this year!!)

B is for book: Um, currently I'm living on books about group piano teaching methods, and Duckles/Reed Music Reference and Research Materials: an Annotated Bibliography. (summer classes are no fun)

C is for career: Church musician, full-time student (possibly for life), part time worker in the music library, and piano teacher extraordinaire!!!

D is for dad's name: John

E is for essential item to bring to a party: It's all about karaoke, right alison??

F is for favorite song at the moment: I don't really listen to songs anymore...but I've started working on Beethoven's Op. 109, and that makes me a happy girl! (it's an old Tandy favorite, alison!)

G is for good movie you recently saw: Believe it or not, Michael finally got me to go to Star Wars and I was really impressed!!

H is for hometown: Malvern, Ohio...though it looks like I'm settling in Muncie, IN for awhile...

I is for instruments you play: Mainly piano, but I do a fair amount of flute playing, as well as some violin (scary)

J is for jewel that you like: Tanzenite!!

K is for kids: Currently a hot topic of debate for Michael and I...Alison, he only wants one!! Ahhhh!! What am I going to do?! We all know I'm destined to have more than that!!

L is for living arrangements: Technically I have a one-bedroom apartment, but I'm essentially just living it up at my boyfriend's house these days.

M is for mom's name: Linda

N is for number of people you've slept with: Too complicated to answer in one line...(the answer lies somewhere between none and one..hehe)

O is for overnight hospital stays: Never for myself, once a few months ago with Michael after his surgery...

P is for phobia[s]: spiders and bugs, i'm also mostly afraid of infertility and becoming one of those people whom you can't tell whether or not it's a man or a woman (though sources tell me i don't really have to worry about such things)

Q is for quote you like: "Please be careful with me, I'm sensitive and I'd like to stay that way"

R is for right, what's on your right?: another computer and chair, a trash can, and a bulletin board covered in the illegally copied cd's that we've recovered from people here at work (stupid library patrons)

S is for sexual position: um, in my limited experience, I'd have to agree with Alison on this one...girl on top! (however, variety is the spice of life!)

T is for time you wake up: freakin' 6am...

U is for unique trait(s): I'm obsessed with flossing my teeth

V is for vegetable you love: everything stated thus far is on my list...how can you pick just one veggie?? (now I want a salad for dinner!!)

W is for worst habit: I started biting my nails during my undergrad because it was just more efficient on time than finding clippers and filing and all of that...

X is for x-rays you've had: Chest, arms, several of my spine/neck, and an MRI (last year was a great year!)

Y is for yummy food you make: I think my top three are lasagne, stromboli, and chicken parmesian (hmm...Italian, anyone?)

Z is for zodiac sign: Gemini!
on Jun 04, 2005
Whoops, sorry Alison, Okey Dokey and I had such fun with it the first time around!
A. is for age, a whopping 58
B. is for book, right now I'm re-reading the Trixie Belden series for fun
C. is for career: Trained as a professional chef, retired from bus driving
D. is for my dad's name: Miles
E. is for essential item to bring to a party: potato chips and dip
F. is for favourite song at the moment: that one by Whitney Huston, "I Will Always Love You"
G.is for good movie you saw recently: "Just In Time"
H. is for hometown: Chippewa Falls, Wis.
I.is for instruments you play: drums
J. is for jewel you like: opal
K. is for kids: I have two
L is for living arrangements: My son lives with me in a handicap-accessible apt.
M. is for mom's name: Doris
N is for the number of people I've slept with: That's private
O is for overnight hospital stays: Two for two heart attacks, one for spine surgery, one for major abdominal surgery, one month
long one for a blood disorder as a child, twice for bowel obstructions, and aren't you glad you asked!!!
P.is for phobias: worms
Q. is for quote you like: To Thine Own Self Be True
R. is for right, what's on your right: my bedroom
S. is for sexual position: all of them!
T. is for the time I wake up: Usually 7:30, sometimes much earlier
U. is for unique traits: Up until 10 years ago, I roller-skated, and quite good, despite the fact that both of my knees are
genetically deformed.
V. is for a vegetable I love: ohhh, so many....carrots are tops with me
W. is for worst habit: Staying up too late at night
X is for xrays I've had: Chest so many times I quit counting, both knees several times, both feet twice, back numerous times, right finger twice.
Y. is for yummy food I make: I make killer Calico Beans, scrumptious hotdishes, and I'm working on my breadbaking skills.
Z. is for zodiac sign: I'm an Aries
on Jun 05, 2005
Love the list (of course)...Only one kid? Chrissy...I pictured you with atleast 4

A rollerskater?! That's totally different! I knew this guy who was a townie where I used to go to school who rollerskated from Ohio to Cali....
on Jun 05, 2005
Alison: roller-skating was something my mom got me started
on when I was 12 cause I was so introverted, she thought
it would help..LOL, it helped physically and became one of
my passions, along with riding horses.
on Jun 05, 2005
You sound like a neat lady!
on Jun 05, 2005
I'm going to have to say romaine lettuce....
Alison: I just tried romaine for the first time! and loved it.
smoking...I'm trying to quit yet again....they say it takes about 8 times to quit this is my 5th......
Hange in there! I quit January 29 when I had the first heart atttack, wish I never had started smoking! and it IS the hardest thing
there is to do!
and When, if I may ask? IS your birthday?
And thank you for the compliment, I think you're cool too Keep up the neat blogs!
on Jun 05, 2005
My birthday is july 18