A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
Holy Jesus!
Published on June 3, 2005 By alison watkins In Entertainment
As I was channel surfing, a familiar face caught my eye on MTV. This wasn't just your every day celebrity face, it was the face of my high school friend Jenny's ex boyfriend, Matt. What in the hell was he doing on MTV? Then I remembered....

Matt was in a band called Relient K with my good friend Brian. My friends and I used to travel all over Canton to see their concerts....Now I was watching their MUSIC VIDEO?!?! Who would have known that they would end up making it big???

I am having total De Ja Vous....

Last time I saw Brian was when I was 19 and worked at K mart back in Ohio He was buying new pants. He gave me a hug and said he'd see me later....I didn't necesarily see him in the video, but I'm sure he was there...that was his band!

I hope they are all enjoying the big time! Good luck Relient K! (and Brian Pittman...if you read this thread, you had better respond...hah!)

on Jun 03, 2005
Reliant K is one of my favorite bands.

I have all of their CDs. They are now going mainstream because of their latest album, but they've been really popular in the Christian circles since they put out The Anatomy of Tongue in Cheek.

Their latest one was mmhmm, and it is great. Two Lefts Don't Make a Right... But Three Do. Is a good album as well.

It's really cool that you know the band members.



on Jun 03, 2005
I didn't realize that they were that big these days...I knew that the last time I talked to Brian they were going on some Christian Music Tour (and that was 5 years ago)....but MTV?! Wow...

My Aunt had Matt Theissen in her fourth grade class...
on Jun 21, 2005
Brian left the band about a year ago. It was his choice and there are no hard feelings between anyone. Two new band members were added after he left. The recently signed with Capital, which is mainly why they are going mainstream. You can probably get all this info at their website www.relientk.com
on Jun 21, 2005
Hold on.. you know the guys in Relient K.. That's awesome.

Relient K on MTV..Crap...where have I been?