A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
Since the end of December I made a point to become a more healthy individual. Those months in between now I've had quite a struggle finding a balance between dieting and working out. Whatever I am doing now is finally working. Last time I got on the scale was about a month ago and it said I weighed 135 and today I got on and it said 125. Finally the muscle I have built up is now burning fat!

Here's what I do. Many thanks to strongbear.joeuser.com

I do 1/2 hour of step aerobics when I wake up.

15 minutes of arm exercises.

I Drink nothing but water for a half an hour after all of this.

Make an omelette and turkey bacon for breakfast.

Lunch is usually on the fly since I teach all freakin day! Usually I have a peach, granola bar, and sometimes a sandwich and veggie

Yogurt snack when I get home

Dinner is usually big--a chicken salad, some kind of meat and veggie, maybe even slightly unhealthy once a week like a slice of pizza or a gyro.

I do 20 min-half an hour of pilates and crunches.

snack around 8-frozen yogurt.

Then I wake up and do it all over again.

I also don't drink much caffiene. I drink about 6 glasses of water a day and if I want a carbonated beverage I have seltzer water.


on Mar 26, 2005
Congratulations Ali! Good for you!

I'm working on it...I keep missing my appts. with my trainers at the gym...bad Marcie. I had my yearly and stuff and we talked about my disease...and my dr. put me on an appetite suppressant/metabolism booster thingy and I had some more tests done that might lead to more meds (like insulin regulators). I could work out for months and nothing would happen. I could eat nothing for weeks and I wouldn't lose an ounce...it's so frustrating. Hopefully with the meds and the exercise and no more candy after Easter some pounds will come off.

Be proud of yourself and your hard work!
on Mar 26, 2005
Thanks for your support!

Best wishes in your endevors as well, hopefully things will work for you soon!
on Mar 26, 2005
Yay for you!

I tried to gain some, and it worked for a while....but I'm losing it all again now.

I'm so proud of you, you workin' out and losin't weight fool you!
on Mar 27, 2005
you're just meant to be skinny!

Thanks for your support!
on Mar 27, 2005

I say I am going to do this and that to lose weight, but I don't get myself on a regular schedule to do so.. I tell myself I'll start tomorrow then next week, then find myself saying that I am too busy and I'll start the week after...but I guess if you put your mind, heart, and soul to it, you can achieve it...you are a prime example of that!

sigh...I need to get off my butt and do something...
on Apr 04, 2005
Wow, I knew you could do it. I'm doing cartwheels for you love! Yeah!