A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
My weekend in Ohio...
Published on March 22, 2005 By alison watkins In Home & Family
This weekend Hardin and I decided to take a small road trip back to Ohio to visit some friends and family. I never really realized how much I missed everyone until I saw them again. When I lived there it seemed like I was always trying to leave and now I want to go back. I miss my family so much. It was so good to see them and it seems like when i lived there I really took everything for granted, especially my parents. I never really realized until now how good it was to have a sense of family until I moved away. I miss talking (not arguing) with my mom and dad, hanging out with my brother and playing with my niece. Now I sit in New York without any of that except the occasional voice on the other end of the phone. I guess I should count my blessings now and be thankful for that moment we had this weekend.

I want to go back...

on Mar 22, 2005

Aww, sweetie!  I'm sorry that you miss your fam.  I miss mine too.....it does get easier to be away from them you know, and it makes going home all the much sweeter.

If you're really lonely, you can give me a call....or IM me.  I'm home the rest of the week, I've been 'banned' from my office until I'm feeling better.  Email me and I'll give you the info...

on Mar 22, 2005
Exactly! now i can look forward to going home instead of dreading it like I used to when I lived only a half an hour away!

By the way my yahoo im is horndiva1...
I hope you feel better!
on Mar 22, 2005
Hey there, i know what you mean. I feel the same way from times to times. But that's what growing up is... But like dharma said it makes coming back home soooo much better

I hope you do feel less home sick.
on Mar 23, 2005
Island gurl:
I agree...this is a big milestone in growing up....and I thought paying the bills all by myself was big...hehe. I guess that's just part of it

Thanks for the support sweetie!