A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
Published on December 16, 2004 By alison watkins In Misc
It seems like lately a lot of people on here have been in a funk, which is very understandable. I just want to do something that will make everyone smile just for a couple seconds today. I want everyone to think of a list of five positive things about themselves and list one funny story.
Here's mine:

1) I'm very generous
2) I am a loyal friend
3) I am nuts around the right people
4) I am smart
5) I am unique

Here's my funny story: While I was student teaching I had to do noon duty. Boy was that an experience. It involved sitting there on a bench and using a megaphone to yell at kids for their bad behavior. One day I looked over to my left and noticed this kid doing something foul and obscene to this tree. The art teacher then grabbed the megaphone and said "Sir, will you please quit humping the tree." The kid wouldn't stop. I didn't understand what he was getting from the tree. This behavior lasted for a week. Eventually he had a falling out with the big tall piece of wood. Ah....kids these days....

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