incase you didn't get enough
I get married in four days! ahhh
I'm moving to Long Island NY in about a anyone from the area or close to? I have no idea where to go to find things to do.
Guns and Roses is my favorite band
I'm a Liberal Democrat
I am trying to quit smoking....but it's so freakin hard. I went 16 days without one and today I had three because I'm stressing out about the wedding.
All I've had to eat today was christmas chocolate because I'm too poor to currently buy groceries! LOL
If I was taller I'd want to be a model...but that's kind of wishful thinking since i'm only 5'2
I also graduate this saturday.
I have one brother who also graduates this saturday.
I love animals...I thought about being a vet, but I could not put an animal down.
Instead I will have degrees in music.
Chrissy Archer from is one of my wedding attendants
I love classic rock.
I have lived in Northeastern Ohio all my life!
I can't think of any other miscelleneous facts....