because it wouldn't let me post it on her site
1. What time do you wake up? 6:45 a.m.---had to go teach the kiddies how to read music!
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? My fiance--I get married in less than 2 weeks!!
3. Gold or silver? Silver
4. What was the last movie you saw at the theater? The Notebook
5. What did you have for breakfast? toast and raspberry jam
6. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? stupid people
7. What inspires you? Music.
8. Middle name? Marie
9. City or Country? City
10. Favorite ice cream? mint chocolate chip
11. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? plain
12. Favorite color? blue
13. What kind of car do you drive? red pontiac sunbird
14. Favorite sandwich? veggie sub from subway
15. What characteristic do you despise? Stupidity
16. Favorite flowers? Yellow roses or lillies
17. Where would you go on vacation? Vegas Baby!
18. What color is your bathroom? boring beige...
19. Favorite brand of clothing? Express...too bad i can't afford it!
20. Where would you retire to? somewhere warm
21. Favorite day of the week? Saturday . . . dickoff day!
22. What did you do for your last birthday? HAHA! i should post an article about this because it's too long to type...but i got extremely shit faced
23. Where were you born? Canton, HQ USA
24. Favorite sport to watch? baseball
25. What fabric detergent do you use? all
26. Coke or Pepsi? i gave them up to slim down for the wedding!
27. Are you a morning person or a night owl? night...and it sucks because school forces me to be morning instead
28. What is your shoe size? 6.5
29. Do you have any pets? golden retriever-kodiak, black cat-tootie, goldfish (he's soooo big too!)-muhammed
30. What is your favorite season? Fall
31. Why am I happy today? because I finish student teaching on friday!!