A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
I think it's been misenterprited...
Published on October 21, 2004 By alison watkins In Politics
All that Teresa Heinz Kerry said and I quote, "I am not sure if Laura Bush has even had a real job." She is just stating that she's not sure or not if she's been actually out in the work force...she's not bashing her for being a lazy bitch...she was just curious or not if she ever worked. Like the article in USA Today said...she was NOT SURE.
Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 21, 2004
I think THK just speaks her mind...which is a good thing. I'm sure she'd be entertaining liquored up. I do think it's good that she appologized...afterall like I said, i think she was just confused and not sure....it's not like Laura was rude about it either.

I respect laura bush...however, her husband is a different story....
on Oct 22, 2004

it's not like Laura was rude about it either
Laura Bush has never been rude about anything. 

I think a lot of people are being very naive about THK.  She is a very intelligent, highly educated woman who has had every advantage out there in life.  She is not nice though.  She said something snide and then apologized after she heard how badly it was recieved.  Sure, she spoke her mind, that is the problem.  Why would she even think that Laura Bush didn't ever have a "real" job?  She might not of known she was a teacher or librarian but there is no getting around her knowing that Laura raised twin daughters.

THK is haughty through and through.  I don't know how anyone would see her as nice.  You people might think that it is no big deal that she said something like this and that it is great how she just speaks her mind.  Keep in mind, the First Lady interacts with heads of state and world leaders and represents our country. 

on Oct 22, 2004
She is just stating that she's not sure or not if she's been actually out in the work force...

I don't think my old washing machine (that travelled all over the laundry room) had a spin cycle like this.

Either she knew Laura Bush's employment history (to include mom/wife) and willfully decided to trash it, or she didn't bother to find anything out and just made a comment, that at best, shows her ignorance. Either way, I'm not impressed. And not just because of the comment.

Keep in mind, the First Lady interacts with heads of state and world leaders and represents our country.

What happens when she says this about Roh Moo-hyun's wife? Or Koizumi's wife? Or Chirac's wfie?
on Oct 22, 2004
I don't think either of them are 'lazy bitches'

They're both bitches, let's just get that out in the open right now.

...and go Dean!
on Oct 22, 2004

I think THK just speaks her mind...which is a good thing. I'm sure she'd be entertaining liquored up. I do think it's good that she appologized...afterall like I said, i think she was just confused and not sure....it's not like Laura was rude about it either.

Speaking one's mind is good, as long as you remember to think first.

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