A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
and you shouldn't vote for him either...
Published on October 14, 2004 By alison watkins In Politics
1) First, Let's state the obvious. This big cock waving contest entitled the "war on terror" featuring the US's personal whipping boy England. No one has yet to answer (W included) why exactly we are in Iraq and not hunting the terrorists in Afghanistan. WHAT DOES IRAQ HAVE TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS?!?!?!

2) He's all for the dumbing down of society. Instead of teachers striving to teach their students to obtain long term knowledge, all teachers are now required to teach students how to take a standardized test. This is complete bullshit. Every teacher is required to teach reading in their classroom, even when their initial discepline is not reading. My discepline is music. Teaching reading is the reading teacher's job. Having to do this takes time out of my classroom to teach the life long values that music has to offer...but wait....according to W the arts are just an extra curricular activity and have nothing to offer. MUSIC EQUALS BRAINPOWER!

3) He's the only president who's for taking away the rights of Americans. He wants to propose a constitutional amendmant to ban same sex marriages. Last I checked the constitution was all about giving rights to American's.....WTF?!

4) He let the ban on the deadliest assult weapon expire. Smooth move ex lax.

5) He is in favor of not having women choose what they can do or can't do to their bodies. I am not for or against abortion. I am for the right to choose.

6) "I've been reading what's on the internets." Need I say more?

7) He thinks the economy is thriving when it obviously isn't. Excuse me...my mother was one of the many thousands that lost her job post 9-11. She went from a web designer to a saleswoman at Kaufmann's. What's wrong with this picture?

8) Look at the price of gas.

9) Instead of spending 2 trillion dollars to put Americans on health insurance, he's using it to fun the so-called war on terrorism.

10) He is destroying the middle class by giving tax cuts to the insanely rich and sending us jobs over seas.

###Foreign Policy should not be based on ignorance and arrogance###


Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 16, 2004
ok if you really want to talk about outsourcing, lets talk about the hundreds of Heinz ketchup plants located over seas...

I am not going to answer this direct attack relating to kerry due to his wife being of the heinz family. That is like me attacking someone because they were the next door neighbors of a decendent of the owners of nike.

Demand better fuel economy.

And while hes at it, he should just demand that the terrorrists stop being meanies and help us promote world peace. And he should demand God come down and grant us all the gift of flight!!!

He has the right to demand better fuel economy of the cars sold in this country. If you compare this to demanding terrorist to stop you are ignorant and need to go back to middle school.

His "Hydrogen innitiative" is not enough.

It was a worthy step in the right direction

need i say more??

Yes, because are you saying that it is a step in the right direction? If so, thats fine, but he needs to take more of a step.

it is essentially unfair but thats life

ok so let me get this straight... KERRY/EDWARDS 04, HES REALLY UNFAIR WOOOOOOHOOO.... your logic is flawed. Sure the world is unfair, but i would like a president who struggles to make it fair for EVERYONE, not just the middle class.

You can read my post entitled "Dirt poor liberals. No respect for the rich. "

but considering all the other firsts hes had

first president to have a terrorrist attack on US soil...

First president to lose jobs, first president to have such a large deficit, such a large debt... I could go on and on. First president to lose a war in the middle east, first president to win without the popular vote in the 20 or 21st century. First president to support an unconstitutional law (the patriot act).

Yes, gays can come up with another name, because Marriage IS between a man and a woman

wait... i guess you missed the homosexuals flocking to California to get married? Climb out from under your rock.

Oh, I'm sorry, were you saying something, you see while you were talking I saw a spider here under my rock. Ok you put on your glasses and read what I wrote, and if that doesn't work ask your doctor for a god damn brain. I mean that they can do that, and apparently you missed the part where I said marriage is only to be between a man and a woman. however we need to provide them with equal rights under a different name.

I guess this means I won the argument because you didn't discuss all of my arguments, nor did d3adz0mbie argue against my points.
on Oct 16, 2004
8) Look at the price of gas.

on Oct 16, 2004
Demand better fuel economy.

And while hes at it, he should just demand that the terrorrists stop being meanies and help us promote world peace. And he should demand God come down and grant us all the gift of flight!!!

He has the right to demand better fuel economy of the cars sold in this country.

He can demand it, but that doesn't mean he'll get it.

First president to lose jobs, first president to have such a large deficit, such a large debt... I could go on and on. First president to lose a war in the middle east, first president to win without the popular vote in the 20 or 21st century.

First lets start with the economy. Since it was already headed down hill *before* he was sworn in that makes all this his fault? The economy doesn't crash in a 6 month stretch. You need to start looking at figures. Everything that you are saying is down is on it's way back up. Of course you will not acknowledge this, but you can thank Bush for that. We have *not* lost the war in the middle east! And please don't start on the 2000 elections yet again.
on Oct 17, 2004

1) First, Let's state the obvious. This big cock waving contest entitled the "war on terror" featuring the US's personal whipping boy England. No one has yet to answer (W included) why exactly we are in Iraq and not hunting the terrorists in Afghanistan. WHAT DOES IRAQ HAVE TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS?!?!?!

This has been explained elsewhere. If you don't know why we're in Iraq then that's really your fault. There are plenty of articles here on JU (written by me even) that explain this in detail over and over. Here's one example: http://draginol.joeuser.com/articlecomments.asp?AID=14114&s=1

2) He's all for the dumbing down of society. Instead of teachers striving to teach their students to obtain long term knowledge, all teachers are now required to teach students how to take a standardized test. This is complete bullshit. Every teacher is required to teach reading in their classroom, even when their initial discepline is not reading. My discepline is music. Teaching reading is the reading teacher's job. Having to do this takes time out of my classroom to teach the life long values that music has to offer...but wait....according to W the arts are just an extra curricular activity and have nothing to offer. MUSIC EQUALS BRAINPOWER!

I'm not even sure what to say to this. You say later how you shouldn't need standards for good teachers. You're right. But guess what? There's lots of terrible teachers. I know, I had lots of lazy, incompotent teachers.  Music and art are nice extras but I want my kids to know how to read, write, and do arithmetic first.

3) He's the only president who's for taking away the rights of Americans. He wants to propose a constitutional amendmant to ban same sex marriages. Last I checked the constitution was all about giving rights to American's.....WTF?!

As others have pointed out, the constitutional amendment defines what a marriage is. I am against it because I don't like monkeying with the constitution. But it doesn't take away any rights. As someone else pointed out, there's nothign stopping gays from starting their own traditions and lobbying to ensure that their unions are protected equally.

4) He let the ban on the deadliest assult weapon expire. Smooth move ex lax.

You should probably learn a bit more on this issue before you start blaming people and being smug about it.

5) He is in favor of not having women choose what they can do or can't do to their bodies. I am not for or against abortion. I am for the right to choose.

That's nice. But Bush happens to think it's murder. I disagree. I don't think abortion is murder (to a point). But even if he somehow appointed enough supreme court justices who decided to overturn Roe vs. Wade, that still wouldn't make abortion illegal. It would simply be up to the states.

I happen to be one of those people that prefer that our ELECTED officials write the laws. Not unelected judges.

6) "I've been reading what's on the internets." Need I say more?

Ever been on live public TV? I have. Many times. It's incredibly easy to say something stupid.

7) He thinks the economy is thriving when it obviously isn't. Excuse me...my mother was one of the many thousands that lost her job post 9-11. She went from a web designer to a saleswoman at Kaufmann's. What's wrong with this picture?

Obviuously isn't?  Well first off, I'm sorry your mom lost her job but she lost her job not because of a weakness in the economy probably but because the Internet tech bubble burst combined with the fact that web creation tools have gotten so easy that even a dummy like me can design/create websites.

As for the general economy, the unemployment rate is very low, GNP growth is good, and interest rates are low. What more can you really expect the federal government to do?

8) Look at the price of gas.

What the heck does that have to do with Bush? I'd say "Next thing you know it people will blame Bush for the weather" except some people already do.

9) Instead of spending 2 trillion dollars to put Americans on health insurance, he's using it to fun the so-called war on terrorism.

So-called? What cave have you been in? Frankly that's just an amazing statement.  Secondly, since when is it the federal government's job to give us all health insurance? What's next? Government provided food for all? Universal government provided jobs? Universal government provided housing? Where do you want to draw the line?

10) He is destroying the middle class by giving tax cuts to the insanely rich and sending us jobs over seas.

That's just a Kerry talking point that has no substance.  First of all, the middle class is doing nicely. Secondly, everyone got tax cuts. Since the top 5% pay most of the taxes, they obviously did pretty well on any tax cut. It's kind of unavoidable.

As for sending jobs overseas, do you know how really does that? The American consumer. Every time they buy a foreign car (can we assume you have an American car by the way? What make and model car(s) do you own?  Every time they buy clothes. Every time they purchase furniture or toys or lawnmowers or auto parts that are made overseas you are paying for a job to be sent overseas.  WE are all guilty of it in various degrees.  I try to buy American made goods when I have an option.

But that's what causes outsourcing. People buying foreign made goods because they're slightly cheaper typically.  So to compete, American firms have to have their products made over there too.  Meanwhile, you have Kerry and I presume you supporting increasing the minimum wage which would only make the situation worse.

on Oct 20, 2004
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