A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
This doesn't have anything to do with philosophy, but I think it's just as important
Published on July 30, 2004 By alison watkins In Politics
I am 23 years old and I am an American Citizen. Here in America I am blessed with many rights, which thus includes my right to vote. This should be a really liberating concept, right? Well, I think so, but I do not think that others in my age group realize the significance of voting. As everyone knows, the Democratic National Convention was held this week in MA. When I was out saying my goodbyes to a friend that is leaving to go to graduate school across the country, I asked if the bar could turn the DNC on the TV by the table. The bar owner was rather offended because I wanted to watch something other than sports. After about 5 minutes of arguing, I finally got them to put it on the TV. Many customers in the bar were glad to watch it, while others were rather offended. After JK's speech, I was feeling rather fired up about being an American (not a just a Democrat, but an American) so I decided to pass out napkins to everyone around me saying "Don't forget to Register to Vote'. I was not claiming a political party, but one gentleman got so offended he was up in my face shouting how my vote wouldn't matter so I needed to sit my granola eating ass down. I came back and asked, "How do you think they make up electoral votes." and he came back with "Well, it doesn't matter because Bush will win because America is safe." So I asked him "Well if you feel so incredibly safe, why aren't you out defending our country?" After realizing it was pointless to argue with a chimpanzee, I sat back down.

This is sad that the future of the nation doesn't even give a damn.


on Jul 30, 2004
So I asked him "Well if you feel so incredibly safe, why aren't you out defending our country?

Why would he feel the need to go out and defend the country if he already felt safe? That sounds like the kind of thing you would do if you felt the country was not safe.
on Jul 30, 2004
This is sad that the future of the nation doesn't even give a damn.

One person in the bar was stupid, so that is an indication that your generation doesn't give a dam?
on Jul 30, 2004
I was just stating once instance....I have many more, but this my friend, is a journal for my philosophy class, not a political rant page. I just felt that i had to bring it up....and if you have a problem, then i suggest reading another journal.
on Jul 30, 2004
I have many more, but this my friend, is a journal for my philosophy class, not a political rant page.

Sure sounded like a political rant. And you did post it under the Politics subject.

If you did not want comments you should not have allowed them.
on Jul 30, 2004
I think the writer was referring to the apathy that seems to exist among many of her peers. Apathy is not only found in politics, but across the spectrum from workers' rights to religion. . .and it knows no age barrier - from high school to college to senior citizens.

I just hope in this one instance. . .that when people go out to vote. . .they make themselves keenly aware of candidates - from the president on down to their councilmen.

Unfortunately, the only time people seem to get passionate is when something personally affects them. Look at the draft issue and 1968.

I suppose when college kids graduate, and are in the work force full time, they will understand why this election is so important to many of us.
on Jul 30, 2004
cs guy...you must be a republican...enough said. I said i just wanted to talk about one instance. It is my blog, you are not the author. quit trying to sound smart, because there's no use in your trying.
on Jul 30, 2004
cs guy...you must be a republican...enough said. I said i just wanted to talk about one instance. It is my blog, you are not the author. quit trying to sound smart, because there's no use in your trying.

Nope, I'm a Libertarian.

You are the person that put your words out here for all to see and comment upon (you even posted this article to the forums). You are the one that made a huge leap of logic from one instance to a generalization for your entire generation. You are the one that asked that stupid man a stupid question. But somehow I'm the moron for questioning it?

Well, I agree with you on one point. It is pointless to argue with a chimpanzee. Happy blogging monkey-brain.
on Jul 30, 2004
And like i said...it was one statement, it was one occurance, however serveral have happened but unlike you, i do not have all day to sit here and post blogs.
on Jul 30, 2004
I don't think most people in bars want to deal with political issues. One cannot evangelize something so heated in such a venue without expecting pissing some people off.