A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
Workout today:

1 hour cardio/weights

-32 minutes jogging (3.2 miles)

-3 sets of 10 hammer curls @ 10 lbs
-3 sets of 10 bicep curls @10 lbs
-3 sets of 10 tricecep behind the back press @10 lbs
-110 crunches
-30 leg lift crunches
-30 reverse sit ups

I'm wiped out!!!
Tomorrow I meet with a personal trainer to help me reach my goals. Wish me luck!!

P.S. FYI-I have decided upon 2 goals-the whole 10 k thing
AND flatter abs!

on Aug 14, 2007
I second the flatter abs! And good luck with the 10K....you're fast becoming my hero!