A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
Long Time, No Blog
Published on August 10, 2007 By alison watkins In Health & Medicine
Greetings once again JU! I think I'm going to give this blogging thing another go, except this time around I'm going to keep more of a "log", but that doesn't mean I still won't post the occasional nonesense article.

Let me explain....

In my great year and several months off I've really taken to running, which for me, since being in a terrible car wreck in '02 is quite a feat. Ever since then my left knee always gave me trouble whenever I tried to run. Anways, A little over a year ago, and a little bet I made with myself on my 25th birthday (to take one year to get in the best shape up to date--yeah, cheesy, I realise this!) ,I was determined to start running again. I started off by running only .6 of a mile. From that July-November .6 turned into 3.1 and now I'm able to do about 4 miles comfortably (aka "slllllloooooooow" by the true athlete's standars). Anyways, now my goal for this year is to run in 2 10k (6.2 mile) races by next July. I'm going to use my blog to log my progress.

Here was my workout today: ( I still am trying to figure out some of the weight lifting terminology)

1 hour cardio/weights

-25 minutes of jogging-2.7 miles
-5 minutes of walking-.3 miles

-105 crunches
-30 leg lifts
-3 reps of hammer curls
-1 rep of leg presses
-1 rep of lat pushing
-1 rep forward leg curls
-1 rep backward leg curls

So, what's been going on in JU land??

on Aug 10, 2007
So, what's been going on in JU land??

Same ole stuff This talking puppet knows that things are this way, and that talking puppet knows for sure that they aren't that way.

I'm envious of your dedication. I'm a thin male, and never had to watch what I eat, and I think that in some ways it has kept me from getting really "healthy." I keep figuring that someday I will, but that someday always sounds a lot like "tomorrow - not today."

Keep it up...sounds like it makes you happy.
on Aug 10, 2007
I've missed you Al.

Welcome back, Cotter.
on Aug 10, 2007
I think that getting out of the door is honestly half the battle...you'll know when you're ready. Thanks for the encouragement!

Hey! What's new?? Are you still teaching?? I didn't know that you switched blogs, I will have to give it a read!
on Aug 10, 2007
Welcome back! Sounds like a plan on the running. We have a couple of runners here (KFC and SoDaiho), so you can trade notes (the rest of us only run from trouble).

Kick back and Enjoy.
on Aug 10, 2007
Hi Alison (whoops, put the wrong name first!LOL!) Nice to read you again! Good luck with the goals you've set!
on Aug 10, 2007
Dr. Guy:
ohh..I will have to take a look at their blogs! Nice to hear from you!

Thank you so much! How are things??
on Aug 10, 2007
Alison, awesome to see you writing again! Hope you are well.

Your workout looks pretty tough! Kudos to you for putting a plan in action!
on Aug 11, 2007
Hey there! What's new with you? Are you ready for the new school year??

The workouts are tough, but the results are worth it!
on Aug 11, 2007

Married, living in Wyoming (blah), will be teaching 2nd grade this year. I'm exceedingly boring.

I think you need to write a life update blog...
on Aug 11, 2007
Alison!!!! good to see your name again....

things are pretty much the same on Joeuser,not much has changed except the players, most of the folks you knew and played with are still around, a few have left, some have left and came back, much like yourself.

Yor sweetness has been missed.

on Aug 11, 2007
Wyoming...never been there, but I hear it's pretty. I'm sure you're not boring, you never were! I think I might just have to write an update...

Good to hear from you!! what's new with you??