A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
Did anyone get my Elvis Costello pun? Pretty lame, huhh...

It seems like I'm always saying, wow...it's been a long time, or long time, no write...I've just been so freakin busy!

I ended up taking the new job in Queens. It's a lot of fun. I'm teaching elementary chorus, music for special learners, and some guitar classes. I'm really enjoying myself and taking the mistakes and good things with me that I've learned from my other job, and applying them towards success in the classroom. I'm not saying that I'm shitting out musical prodegies, but I am keeping my head above water moreso this time around.

Let's see...what else...oh...my brother dumped that bitch. It turns out she's been seeing someone else who is 30 years or so her senior. I feel so sorry for Zach, but I think this might be for the best. He's been pondering with the idea of applying for full custody of my niece. I think that's a terrific idea. Who knows what slime/pedofilia her mother brings in her house. Now he just needs to state a case. Can fraud be the basis of a custody battle??!!

Hardin and I have been doing well....especially when we get to see each other. Our schedules are completely flipflopped. He is usually getting to bed about an hour or so before I wake up and I am falling asleep when he comes home. At least we have the weekends. Oh...and apparently last night he shaved his head...now he looks like Brett Favre...I love to tease him about it.....but secretly I think Brett Favre is hot..(obviously)..hehe.

So what's been going on here? Marcie and Whip are gone....Did I read that Tex is preggers?!?! congrats!!

drop me a line JU!! Oh yeah, and here's an artistic headshot of yours truly!

on Mar 22, 2006

Whew!  No wonder you have been quiet!

Yes on your Brother!  And do it ASAP! The sooner the better as it is hard for the father legally.

And catch your breath, rest and relax.  We will keep a light on for you.

on Mar 22, 2006

great to see you back! 

you ARE one busy lady   so you're teaching for special learners,  is that DD students?  or ??

wish there was someone around here to teach guitar. 

Sorry to read about Zach's problem female....

your schedule with Hardin sounds much like mine with my ex used to be,  I worked days, him nights.  Sucked big time. It can and does work for many people though!

on Mar 22, 2006
btw,  cute pix!!
on Mar 22, 2006
dr. guy.

Thank you for your good words! I miss JU!!

I just hope he is able to prove that her situation is unfit for her living conditions.

It;s good to hear from you!

I teach mentally retarded children. Its so much fun...and there';s always a story for home.

Thanks for your great comments!
on Mar 24, 2006
Nice to hear that you are doing well, Alison. Glad your new position is going great for ya.
on Mar 24, 2006
Thanks so much

How have you been? How's your class?
on Apr 17, 2006
Hi Alision, here I am just getting around to see ya again! Glad you like the new job. And great that you and Hardin are doing well! I can commiserate on the him coming in and you leaving part, my hubby works at night and we do see each other for a bit in the AM and a bit in the PM but that's it until the weekends too. Thank heavens we're 'oldhands' at it so we devise ways to actually have time together!

Finally your brother got rid of 'her'! I can't answer the fraud question but perhaps he can find someone who can, if he hasn't done so already! Good luck to him!

I unfortunately couldn't open up that link you left.
on May 01, 2006
I like what you do, continue this way.