A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
Published on September 13, 2005 By alison watkins In Misc
I am so sick of the "thin is in" stereotype. There is something to be said about being fit and healthy, but some celebrities look as if their bones are about to pierce their skin. I wouldn't constitute this look as being fit nor healthy. Personally, I think it's disgusting. Do men find this attractive? Why is it such a craze?

I think some celebrities look better with a little meat on their bones. Take Lindsay Lohan for example. What was so "fat" about her in the first place? I don't believe that she needed to loose any weight. Why the sudden weight loss?

What about Nicole Ritchie? Why the drastic drop? If I recall, her and I are about the same height. The tabloids speculate that she is down to around 98 lbs. I am at least 30 lbs heavier than that, and I'm not necesarily fat--curvy yes, fat no. How do you think that makes me feel? Pretty damn inadiquate, that's how.

I used to have huge issues with my weight. When I was in high school I never had time to eat. First off, when I was younger, I was never really big on breakfast, so that's one meal lost. Between being in the band, choir, and newspaper staff I never ate lunch. I never bought something small from the al e carte table because I was saving up for gas money. That's minus two meals. When I would come home from school I would have to go to work, and I was lucky if I had time to sit down to have dinner with my family. I didn't even realize what I was doing to myself. Needless to say I got down to about 95 lbs. That was my junior year of high school.

After a year, I wisened up and realized what I was doing to myself. I began to eat. I immediately got up to about 125 lbs. This is where I believe my weight should be. I was healthy and active, but I always made time to eat.

Then I met Hardin in the fall of 2001....

We made eating our number one priority. Every night was cheese fries topped with bacon and ice cream for dessert. Needless to say, I got pretty large. In the summer of 2002, I got in a terrible auto accident and when I got weighed in I couldn't believe I was at 160 lbs!

That's when I realized I needed to do something.....

So I did. I went on the Atkins diet and boy did that work. I got down to 115 lbs in about 9 months. The only problem was I felt dizzy all of the time. I went to the Doctor and he diagnosed me as being hypoglocemic (sp?!).

I then started eating whatever in the hell I wanted, mixed it in with exercise, and have stayed right around 130 (although I think marital bliss might have added 5 lbs...I'm too scared to get on the scale!).

Am I happy with myself? For the most part. It's a day to day thing. But, come on ladies....EAT A FREAKIN TWINKIE OR THREE!!!!!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 14, 2005

butt-ass Fugly as you put it would be all theses "lowrise" shave your pubes before wear jeans......

Hehe... you sound like my husband.  He loved the way women dressed in the 80's.  All the girly frills, mini-skirts and body hugging jeans (with high heals).  Now, we have low-rise jeans that are cut like guy jeans.  It's like we are trying to turn into a androgynous race. 

Some of the sexiest people I know are far from being like models.  It's their attitude and the way they act that makes them sexy.  The least sexy people I know are the ones who are constantly obsessed with their weight/hair/clothes/etc.

on Sep 14, 2005
Hehe... you sound like my husband. He loved the way women dressed in the 80's.

I'd settle for the middle 90's just something before "Extreme Lowrise"
on Sep 14, 2005
those jeans are butt-ass fugly! They were probably cool in 1988! Ugh!

Yes, they are. They're mullet-stylin' jeans, and I refuse to wear them. They make my ass look HUGE when it's not. I'll stick to my low risers.

If you have to shave your pubes in order to weasr low rise pants, then you're abnormally hairy. I wear low rise all the time and I don't have to trim upwards. You'd have to have pubes that grew halfway up your belly in order to have to shave before wearing lowrisers
on Sep 14, 2005
And those jeans are butt-ass fugly! They were probably cool in 1988! Ugh!

I was thinking the same thing! So 80's-ish.
on Sep 14, 2005
butt-ass Fugly as you put it would be all theses "lowrise" shave your pubes before wear jeans......

I don't like those, either. I think its especially disturbing when my first graders come to school wearing something like that so their little Barbie underwear shows to the whole world.
on Sep 14, 2005
I think its especially disturbing when my first graders come to school wearing something like that so their little Barbie underwear shows to the whole world.

Dave and I were looking at the little girls fashions in the BX last week and we were both just flabbergasted at what was for sale. Shirts to short that even the slightest movement will cause the wearers panties to show, paired up with knee high boots that have heels on them. Low rise pants and belly-baring shirts, and get this: lingerie. Yes, frilling, satin-y spaghetti strapped short nighties and knickers to go underneath, for 6, 7 and 8 year olds.

it's disgusting, and I'm going to go blog about it.
on Sep 14, 2005
I couldn't agree with you more...comfort before fashion...btw..congrats on your weight loss!

lol--I totally forgot about the word "fugly!" Those jeans fit that definition to a T. How's the new job treatin ya?

yay for more A than T...hehe...how's the yoga going?

Dr. Guy:
....and how did you know I put that in there just for you! Thanks for your nice comments!

I bet your husband is a heavy metal fan...am I right? you just described Tawn Kitean from the White Snake videos..lol
I agree...some of the most beautiful people I know don't really give a shit if they are a size 2.

I think some low rise are good for us butt enhanced sisters! I'm sure you agree...

and...I agree that the sexualization of society has hit new and disgusting peeks.
on Sep 15, 2005
Well said Alison and well done too on being comfortable with yourself!
on Sep 28, 2005

Dr. Guy:
....and how did you know I put that in there just for you! Thanks for your nice comments!

My reputation as a speller (bad) is well known.

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