A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
But I don't want a bun in the oven!
Published on July 5, 2005 By alison watkins In Health & Medicine
I started taking the pill over five years ago due to painful, heavy periods, caused by a cyst on my right ovary. At first it was wonderful because I had a "normal" period every month with little to no cramping. I thought that it was the miracle drug. Now, I'm not so sure.

I think the pill has made my hormones go crazy. When I first started taking it, I did notice VERY irratic mood swings. Even though they have leveled off, it seems like at least one week out of the month, I just loose it. It is out of my power and there's no controling it. I am crying one minute, laughing the next, then wanting to kill the asshole who can't drive all in one day.

I also think that the pill is effecting my weight. When I started taking it, I was 120 lbs. After a year, I was at 155. With a change in diet (I do admit some of that was my poor diet!), a year I was able to get down to 125, but since then, over the course of about 3 years I have steadily put on about 10 lbs. I just have the hardest time loosing weight. It's like I have no metabolism. I work out almost every day (40 min cardio, 20 minutes weights and resistance) and eat healthily (for the most part--no one is perfect), and if I get the scale to budge just a little, it just comes right back on. I think the tiny fluxuations is water weight. Maybe I'm retaining water....hmmmm.....

My aunt who is an RN suggested that I try an IUD. I heard that this completely takes away having a period. Is this even healthy? I am still thinking about asking a doctor about it.

Anyways, my question is, Has anyone else had problems like this from the pill? Do you or anyone you know have an IUD? I'm at a loss at what to do....

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on Nov 24, 2006
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