A day in the life of an Ohioan turned New Yorker
I'm confused about this.
Published on January 26, 2005 By alison watkins In Politics
I was born in 1981, so a lot of people are probably going to disreguard my opinion anyways. Many people, (mainly Republicans, but Dems as well) consider Ronald Reagan to be the greatest president that ever lived. Sure, he accomplished the tearing down of the Berlin wall, but what else did he exactly do? In my eyes he ignored the starving children in Africa (they left this up to band aid), the farm lands, and the entire AIDS epedemic....I'm not even going to go into how he greatened the National Deficit. Sure, he knew how to walk the walk and talk the talk, but shouldn't that be saved for the silver screen??

Now AWWWNOLD is trying to follow in his footsteps......

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on Jan 26, 2005
Reply #15 By: David St. Hubbins (Anonymous) - 1/26/2005 6:32:00 PM
Fake Doc #1: 'For ALL his faults Reagan never lied under oath.'

Actually, he did:

On 1-26-87 President Reagan told the Tower Commission (under oath) he approved the arms-for-hostages sale in advance. This opened up Don Regan to perjury charges.

On 2-11-87 President Reagan told the Tower Commission (under oath) he had a talk with Don Regan and this caused the president to change his story. Now Reagan tells the commission he did NOT approve the arms-for-hostages sale in advance. So President Reagan lied - and that's a pretty big lie - to protect his buddy from perjury.

Not to mention that if you believe all of those permutations of plausible deniablility ("I can't recall", "I have no recollection", "Mommy is it time for bed?", etc.) he told the Tower Commision, then I have a poker game I'd like to invite you to.

Getting back to the actual point of this blog, the guy was senile, a blind man can see that. Here in the reality-based community, having a mentally incompetent head of state is somewhat of a bad thing.

Crediting Reagan with the fall of The Wall, which is often cited as his greatest "accomplishment", is like crediting the rooster with the sunrise; correlation is not causation. Fiscally, he dragged America so deep into deficit it took years - and a Democrat - to fix it. Lloyd Bentsen said it best: "You know, if you let me write $200 billion worth of hot checks every year, I could give you the illusion of prosperity too."

David St. Hubbins

This just goes to show what you don't know. And BTW....If you don't care to adress me correctly then do NOT address me at all! I'm trying to keep this civil in deference to allison. But you are severly trying my patience.
on Jan 26, 2005
correlation is not causation.

Keep that in mind when you perpetuate the lie about Clinton and how his policies (or was it his lack of policies) brought about the boom of the 90s.
on Jan 26, 2005
Guys, the title of the blog is "What makes Reagan so great, anyway?". I've taken the time to research and type out my thoughts on the matter. Rather than sniping, which I believe to be motivated by your personal feelings towards me from other discussions we've had, why not try writing a short essay on why Reagan was a good president?

David St. Hubbins
on Jan 26, 2005

"by the time Reagan said "AIDS" in a speech, thousands had died from it...

The propaganda about Reagan and AIDS is sickening misinformation.

In 1981, AIDS didn't even have a name yet. In 1982 500 people died of AIDS in the US, and Reagan spent $8,000,000 on research. That's eight million dollars to research a disease that had killed less than 1000 people, in the same year it was even named. There wasn't even a test for AIDS until 1985...

Between 1981 and 1990 77,000 people died of AIDS in the US, the entire decade. In 1985 alone 771,000 people died of heart disease. Yet for some reason Reagan was supposed to see into the future and just KNOW that all our resources had to be devoted to it before we even knew what how to start researching it.

Can you really imagine that Johnson or Carter would have done anything any differently? Not. They probably wouldn't have done as much.

This has been done to death. Feel free to visit this blog if you want information on Reagan's record with AIDS.

on Jan 26, 2005
On the occasion of Ronald Reagan's death, I wrote an article on his legacy. Please feel free to read it and critique as you will. Link: http://kupe.joeuser.com/index.asp?aid=17482

As far as I am concerned, the AIDs rap against Reagan is nothing but smoke, 20/20 hindsight. The question is not, knowing what we know NOW, should we have done. The question is rather, what could have been done then. I have commented on this before. I worked in a New York City Hospital from 1980 to 1985. We simply lacked the knowledge. One can assert that we should have thrown more money at the problem, but to what end? Medical research takes time as well as resources. We don't have a cure for cancer yet. Would more funding have solved that?

Iran Contra, including Oliver North refusing to answer questions, was real and troubling. But that is not what was significent at the time. The release of the hostages from Iran, the end of gas rationing, the resurgent economy, the peaceful end of Soviet Communism, those were memorable.

Alison, you said that you were born in 1981. So you have no memory of drills in school for the event of a nuclear attack. We had those under the administration of John F. Kennedy. You don't remember seeing people machine-gunned for trying to cross the Berlin Wall. The simple fact is that after Reagan, the world was a safer place.

Americans, all Americans even if they didn't like President Reagan, felt a new pride and purpose after the Reagan years. Vietnam was finally and truly behind us. The future looked bright. That is how I remember it.
on Jan 26, 2005
No he wont. But it is apparant your question is rhetorical and not inquisitive.

It seems to more resemble a statement (true or or otherwise) than a question.

I like how compassionate liberals are happy that a man is dead. And they say liberals aren't compassionate loving people!

With this, and the open-minded article that pigeonholes millions of people into two terrible stereotypes, it's a shame that people don't understand how super enlightened you guys are.

I like how I am now happy that a man is dead because my opinions fall on the left, thanks to sweeping generalizations.
on Jan 26, 2005
I like how I am now happy that a man is dead because my opinions fall on the left, thanks to sweeping generalizations.

Latour, you are probably the only person I know (well, on this blog site) who has more contempt for generalizations and partisanry from both sides as I do.

I happen to think that Reagan was a good president, who helped our economy and helped to speed up the decline of the Soviet Union. I also think that, for what he knew at the time, he did what he should have with AIDs. But wait, I'm on the left, so I'm glad he's dead. Oh well.
on Jan 27, 2005

JFK did the same thing and everyone thinks he's so great.....

JFK Never lied under oath.  And much to the chagrin of Mr Hubbins, neither did reagan.  Ony one president did, and he was impeached for it.

on Jan 27, 2005

I happen to think that Reagan was a good president, who helped our economy and helped to speed up the decline of the Soviet Union. I also think that, for what he knew at the time, he did what he should have with AIDs. But wait, I'm on the left, so I'm glad he's dead. Oh well.

Latour and NJ, it is unfortunate that in the heat of debate such a statement was made.  However, the catalyst was made by a leftie,albeit a whacko one.

And you both are correct.  Generalizations are never accurate, just uninformed.

on Jan 27, 2005
As I said, that fantasy pedestal thing. Alison, people are as divided by their perceptions of ronnie as they are about politics in general. I never wished ronnie to be dead, by the way. What I said was the best thing about him was that he was no longer president. As for dying, what I said was that mentally he went bye-bye while still in office.

He was a dolt. He and his buffoons invented that trickle down economic fiasco, that proven failed policy that just transfers money into rich people's bank accounts, while sinking the country into miserable deficits. That's a given. Now, dubya is doing the same thing.

Notice how the ranks of the poor in this country are growing?
Notice how those poor are getting poorer and poorer?
Notice how the rich are getting richer and richer?
Notice how the gap betweein the poor and the rich, that being the middle class, is shrinking?
Notice that we are now experiencing the worst deficits in history since dubya's tax scam, I mean cuts, I mean scam?

This is all indicative of the failed policies of trickle down economics. It's just a money transfer scam, and why I consider those who support it, generally republicans and conservatives, to be selfish. Yeah, it may benefit a few middle income people, but the cost to society at large if huge. It's just a fucking scam.
on Jan 27, 2005

This is all indicative of the failed policies of trickle down economics. It's just a money transfer scam, and why I consider those who support it, generally republicans and conservatives, to be selfish. Yeah, it may benefit a few middle income people, but the cost to society at large if huge. It's just a fucking scam.

And you are an effing idiot!  You may not agree with trickle down, but it is NOT a transfer of money, unless you beleive all wages are the governments and they 'allow' us to keep some of it for our private use.  All Reagan and Bush did was ALLOW us to keep more of OUR money.  Why are you so effing arrogant to think your hands are holier than mine in my back pocket?

It is this type of attitudes that confirm why you wont get a chance anytime soon to put your grimy hands in my back pocket.

And you other statements?  Shere lies, but then you dont know how to tell the truth any more. If you ever did.

on Jan 27, 2005

He and his buffoons invented that trickle down economic fiasco...

Odd, given that Reagan inherited a gas crisis and one of the worst modern recessions, and yet the 1980's under his administration were one of the most prosperous times in US history. Then, we have eight years of Clinton, whose tenure ended with the economy in a steep decline.

Of course, Bush was blamed for that, even though armies of economists had been warning that it was happening since 1998. Bush comes into office, is there 6 months or so, and all the Dems start screaming he ruined the economy, . Gullible folk, Dems...

So we have huge prosperity under Republican administrations in the 1980's, a steep decline after eight years of Clinton, and a steadily recovering economy under Bush. Of course, though, this all shows that Republican economics is... flawed? Odd way of thinking.

on Jan 27, 2005

reagan is difficult to characterize because he was and remains a complexity of contradictions.  he was a hollywood 'star' who was at best a mediocre actor. of his film performances, those most often recalled are hokey or goofy ('bedtime for bonzo').  as president of the screen actor's guild, he defended the blacklist, informed on other performers and during his first tenure as head of the union he helped engineer a deal that granted talent agency mca the right to hire actors they also represented.  he was initially an fdr democrat but switched parties about the same time he switched from movies to television and from first wife, jane wyman, to the 2nd mrs. reagan.

those qualities that weakened his onscreen performances made him a very popular host of the general electric theatre, an effective spokesman for ge and, eventually, a prominent anti-communist speaker.  he delivered a stirring speech in support of barry goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign that ultimately led to his own candidacy for governor of california.  

altho claiming to share goldwater's fiscal conservative philosophy, as governor he raised taxes and increased state spending.  during his 2 terms,state universities began charging residents tuition for the first time.  he closed most of the state's mental hospitals, putting patients out on the street resulting in the creation of permanent homelessness as a way of life in america. 

much of his life prior to becoming president in 1980 was recycled and travelled with him to the whitehouse.  he took on and fatally wounded america's already ailing labor unions by firing striking aircraft traffic controllers. while cutting social programs (adding to the homeless problem he created in california) he engaged in deficit spending (setting new records in fact) and nearly tripled the national debt.

his strident hatred of communism led him to engineer the overthrow of two democraticaly elected governments in our hemisphere, dealing with terrorists in order to fund those campaigns. demanding gorbachev tear down the berlin wall had less to do with the fall of the soviet union than other dynamics.

he launched the current war on drugs (which like all the other 'wars on ______' has yet to achieve anything in the way of victory) which has succeeded mostly in diminishing individual liberty he claimed to champion. 

as far as his integrity goes, when a number of illegal and unsavory activities came to light and he was examined under oath, he reprised his 1962 appearance before a grand jury investigating the screen actor's guild sellout to mca and conveniently claimed he was unable to recall the details of the deal. as much as i hate to admit it, he may have been smarter (if less honest) than clinton. 

on Jan 27, 2005
compassionate liberals

my compassion knows limits

on Jan 27, 2005
So we have huge prosperity under Republican administrations in the 1980's, a steep decline after eight years of Clinton, and a steadily recovering economy under Bush. Of course, though, this all shows that Republican economics is... flawed? Odd way of thinking.

Your understanding of history is flawed, as are most of the "points" you try to make. But I'm sure Reagan looks even better through your rose-coloured eyewear.
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